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We gratefully acknowledge the blessing of Almighty God as the source of law and liberty. We ask for His guidance as we seek to restore American government to its moral and constitutional foundations. We therefore present this platform to the people of Georgia and the United States.  

What We Believe:


Prosperity comes from hard work and the free enterprise system is the best system for rewarding hard work and thus the best system for achieving prosperity.


People deserve a government that is honest, efficient, transparent and non-intrusive.


The most important function of government is to protect the rights of individual people.  Freedom of religion, speech, the press, bearing arms and privacy are essential and must be protected by governments at all levels.


All human life is sacred, from conception to death, and the role of government is to protect the right to life for all individuals.


Governments govern best when they govern least. For the people to be free and prosperous, governments must be limited to their proper roles.


The proper role of government is limited to only those areas that individuals cannot effectively handle themselves. People should accept individual responsibility for their own welfare.


A key role of the federal government is to provide a strong national defense and secure borders.


Laws that may be needed in New York or Atlanta may not be suitable for Whitfield County. Governmental power and resources should be kept close to the people, through their state and community leaders, and not centralized in distant federal government agencies.


All government budgets should be balanced. Running up huge deficits for future generations to pay off is totally unacceptable.


The enforcement of the law must be fair, just and enforced evenly on everyone.


The US Constitution is the foundation which supports all of our laws and it is to be understood and interpreted as it was written.


The United States of America grew and prospered by following these principles and the Republican Party should lead by making a commitment to return this nation to them.

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